The Trip to Greece is an American Comedy-Drama Movie (2020). The Trip to Greece Movie is release on 22 May, 2020 (Canada). Kareem Alkabbani, Marta Barrio and Rob Brydon are the main cast of The Trip to Greece (2020). The Trip to Greece is Directed by Michael Winterbottom.
The Trip to Greece (2020)
Movie | The Trip to Greece (2020) |
Language | English |
Release Date | 22 May, 2020 (Canada) |
Genre | Comedy, Drama |
Country | UK |
Director | Michael Winterbottom |
Main Star Cast | Kareem Alkabbani, Marta Barrio, Rob Brydon |
The Trip to Greece Cast
Kareem Alkabbani As Kareem
Marta Barrio As Yolanda
Rob Brydon As Rob Brydon
Cordelia Bugeja As Steve’s Ex Wife
Richard Clews As Steve’s Dad
Steve Coogan As Steve Coogan
Justin Edwards As UK Agent
Rebecca Johnson As Sally
Claire Keelan As Emma
Tim Leach As Joe (as Timothy Leach)
Harry Tayler As Young Dad
Michael Towns As Alexander
Tessa Walker As Chloe